martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

In fact, she was always here.

In Iceland something is happening with my fatal and futile vision on philosophy. For me, always was important both theory and practice, thinking and act, philosophy and life, but lately philosophy was transforming into a stone in the wheel of life. Thinking so much can stack your foot in the dust. Sometimes I couldn't see a connection between the philosophy, that is (per definition in our days) academic, and all these things that keep me alive. Was a long way trough the literature, the climbing, the adventure, the death, the life, the alcohol, the travel, the urban nights, the landscape and a lot of different ways that, although I don't seems like this to me, were so closed to a kind of philosophy. This kind of philosophy that hates the classrooms, the "Sirs", the academic meetings in luxury halls, the haughtiness that is believed unique for keep a border knowledge and the pretension of being an Olympus between loosers.
Walter Bonnatti and Henry David Thoreau. They remember me something: life and philosophy are a greateful contradiction, but they need to be embraced like a unity. An entire existence is a philosophed life and a lived philosophy. Existence. This word fill your mouth when you host in your body action and thinking, life and philosophy.

How is the best motel to the pleasant coppulation between life and philosophy? Motel Ethics, for sure, in the road that goes to the Politics. But the way is another history, today we stop to fuck in this tearing motel of the convictions. Fuck.

In this motel we need to think to act and act to think. Philosophize to live and live in philosophy. This not make sense in a life distant from the honesty. If I want to philosopize, to think about the consecuences of my actions, and prove this actions, it means that I want to live in honestly with myself. The wild and the mountain were so important in this conception of the true with myself. In the mountain and in the wilderness the lie to yourself means death. Bonnatti, Thoreau and London knew very well this fact. The life in contact with the extremes of the wilderness and the mountain gives to you the experiences and the material to construct yourself being and it never can lie yourself, because in the lie appears the face of thanatos, waiting to charge the price.

My return to the philosophy is a return from the wilderness and the mountains, and is a back to the essential of the thinking: the ethics. The study of oughts and of relationships: ought to realte honestly to ourselves, ought to relate honestly to the others and how we ought to relate honestly to the earth. For this purpose I want to read the basic writings about the subject. I started with Euthyphro of Plato and, in this first reading, I could see how living so much without thinking can sink your foot in the dirty dust of imbecility. The dust is always there, ready to cling to our feet. The holy dust that kills me and give me the life. These mountains, this wilderness. Sometimes we find more than we expected in the emptyness. Hug the contradiction: the emptyness is fullness.

This will destroy you", all the album "Young Mountain", but in speciall this song; "The world is our" -->

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Crash in the wall

Wake up in the morning. Look up to the ceiling. White ceiling. Clothes hanging in the pale lights. Vestiges of activities in a brown table. An old book that has me in check. Wind going into the branches further from my bed. Big walls. Sensation of protection. It's only a wall. It's more than a simple wind. The ceiling, white and unspeakable, goes down and smash my brain. The breeze. Could take you to the confines of the world and could destroy you. I want both. Open the windows. The wild wind goes into the room and starts to destroy everything. Begins with my convictions. The gale annihilate all the lies in my mouth, in my soul, in my deep beliefs. Then I can feel, that is better than understand, how my steps were following the path of the uncontrollable folly. What I want? Why I'm here? Partially destroyed. The wind becomes in a warm breeze and starts to give me wings. I want both. I have both.

This will destroy you; "Happiness: we're all in it together" -->

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010


A river going down the mountain. It's nothing. It's all. All the big oceans started to be before a little stream, flowing rock by rock down the steep slope. Only a blind mind could say that the little stream isn't powerfull. Every stream could be startling. Only potencially, you never knows. A little stream could dissapear into the rocks or can be dried, copullating with the, for the moment, white clouds. And, also, could be, few kiometers beyond, a strong river running down to hug the huge ocean. A stream is a stream. Nothing more. A step is a step. Nothing more. A day is a day. Nothing more. What's the meaning of a single step in a travel between Ogygia to Styx? What's the meaning of the flow of a stream between two rocks in the course of a huge river? What's the meaning of a single day in all of our life?

Jerk in the middle of the stablishment. A explosion of steam beyond this dust that strangles us. A look that tries to reach the horizon and can't rid from the white and overwhelmingly ceiling. A slipknot into the chest, embracing our lungs, trying to keep all the anguisly sources from our eyes in the middle of the throat. A song dancing with the moment drawing a honest and deep smile in our skin. A spontaneus and alone grin in the middle of the main street in these days that the clouds cover even the cheeks of the citizens. The disappearance of dizziness when i'm alone in the darkness only accompanied for the distant litany of the city lights, trying to cover the fears of the people in the middle of the night.

Surrounded by posibilities, we're forced to try or, if we don't want to decide, to die in life. Day by day. Every sunshine, another decision. Every spine belong to our vital spinal column that we draw in our imagination, dreams and fears. A day is only a day, but it can build, step by step, stream by stream, all of our life. Every rise in the east is a new oportunity to continue creating our arquitectonic masterpieces of existence.

Emptyness of vanity. Was only a night. Only an oportunity to still building all my way in this handmade railroad. Another chance to overcome my fears and to consolidate my dreams. The dizziness into the darkness disappeared, is only a step. The fire burning in front of my tent tells me that I need more experience, that is more days, more knowledge and more oportunities. Knowledge. You never knows the source of it. A book, a song, a hug, a wound, a landscape, a kiss, a punch, a call of your mother, a true coming from a inquisitive lips, blue eyes looking fixed at your face. You never knows. I was trying to stimulate the fire but the little sticks was so fast burned and I remember it: "Burn the grey moss" this novel from Thor Vilhjálmsson. I looked at my surroundings and started to search the grey moss, after twenty meters of walking and nervous breathing I founded it. And, with calm and carefully, I putted it into the fire. It worked. The grey moss started to burn and fedding with fire tongues the stick above it. My whoop echoed in all the slope and, maybe, in the streets of Reykjavík. Perhaps people heard it. Not was a drunken boy or a fear scream in the middle of a streat. Was the soul coming out of the throat of an alone boy trying to be himself building his way, step by step, stream by stream and day by day, into the wilderness.

Early Day Miners, "Light in August" -->

Beirut, "My wife, lost in the wild" -->

sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010


Entrerprises going up the hills. These hills that surround everything. Destroying our dignity, puting our heads beneath the rocks, beyound our posibilities. And we like it. And I love it. Is not a businness, is an enterprise. Is this deeply feeling to overcome our impossible dreams. Rocks rolling down the hill, destroying all the grass, colliding with other rocks cutting in two, three, four pieces our delusions.

Stones crackling with our ambitions, making loud and dark music rumbling in all the valley. And, the honest humans, still staying there trying to go up the hill. A lot of people turn his face to the plane, forgetting his dreams. A back can't see the espectacle. Rocks crashing with the back of the turned humans. Only the brave that still loking to the summit can see directly at death. Eye to eye. Face to face. A imposible dream against a sure death. And only the brave can turn his face sometimes to the plane, to see what's going on, and only they can turn another time the face to his dreams. And they still there, trying to die honestly, putting all his life in a stupid step to reach a drem, dying more and more, step by step. Trying to die in the only way that a human can die. In contradiction. Turning the face into the plain is the easy way. The rational way. And isn't the real human way. The line where the human walks is plenty of dirty, dizzy, agony, asphyxia, noble rot and beauty, magnificient, hallucinatory, inmensity edible and respirable, hearths larger than the body eating all the rational brains with his bloody veins. Is the way between the rational and the irrational, the rotten and the edible, the philosophy and the life.

Journey between life and death. Staying always between them. Only the brave. Only the wild. Loking only to one way is the same that cut your body in two painful parts, with a big and cold steel knife. Look only to the summit. Look only to the valley. Cut your life and eat only one piece of it. Only the brave can stay in the middle of the hill fighting against the rocks and trying to stand up all the time, avoiding the easy and the rational way, staying in the essential of human being, between the ineffable mandness and the blind lucidity, between the summit and the plain. And avoiding the irrational way, trying to run against a rock going down from the summit and crashing his body into a wrinkled surface. Only the brave. Only the calm. Binding his brain and his legs with rude ropes attached to the steep ground in the middle of the hill. Maintaining in calm his brain and his desire to run away, going down and looking only to the infinite flat. Maintaining in calm his legs and his deep desire to reach the summit, running up the hill, only looking at the rock in the top. Forgetting all the other things. Obsessed with a point, with a dream. Longing. A dream rolling down the hill catching the poor dreamer that die under the big rock.

A blind lion trying to hunt a fly, an intelligent wolf trying to drinking all the wather of a river. Ineffable madness, blind lucidity. The ineffable summit and the plain lucid. Between the madness and the lucidity. The wild. Always in the edge. Only them. They don't try to live like animals, they try to live like humans. No blind lions. No intelligent wolfs. Humans in the phylum of a steep hill with their deep calm. The calmness is the only way to stand up in the edge. All the surrounding animalized humans envy the wild humans. The lions and the wolves try to kill the humans, burying their wild brightness in a noisy and dusty cairn. And, surrounded in a cloud of envy and calumny, the wild humans still shining. Envy and calumny. The bright and wild sucesful is not forgiven never.

Johnny Cash, "Solitary man" -->

Radiohead, "Motion Picture Soundtrack" -->

Early Day Miners, "In these hills" -->

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Apatía en el paraíso

Son las 5 y media de la mañana. No puedo dormir más. Alguien se ha sentado en mi pecho y no me deja respirar, otra vez vuelvo a necesitar ese corretear de mis dedos entre el teclado. Aún no he tenido tiempo. Digerir. Fue, ha sido y está siendo una semana atípica. Este martes, tomando alguna copa de Porto, decidimos preparar la travesía entre Landmanalaugar, en la que ya veníamos pensando unas semanas antes.

Decidimos partir el miércoles por la mañana para tener tiempo de recorrer los 55km de la ruta entre los Highlands hasta el domingo. Eso implicaba saltarse alguna que otra importante clase, pero preferíamos el páramo antes que el aula. Una checa, un austriaco, un alemán, un italiano y yo nos metimos con todo nuestros enseres en un Nissan Terrano hacia las 7 de la tarde. En Islandia y, a sabiendas de que debíamos atravesar cierta parte de los Highlands sólo reservada a coches con buen ropaje, eso significa que si hay problemas no los vas a ver: aquí las noches nubladas no son oscuras, son abisales. Para los neófitos, los Highlands en Islandia es toda aquella tierra lejana al necesario bálsamo marítimo en estas tierras árticas. Todo lo lejano al mar en esta latitud se convierte en un núcleo climático continental. Veranos secos e inviernos fríos. Sólo la vecindad de algún glaciar aporta ese alimento que permite la floración del musgo. Lejos de los glaciares sólo hay roca y arena. Sólo. Nosotros andábamos a tientas por la relativa cercanía del glaciar. Lo sabíamos por el mapa. No había musgo en los montes para testificarlo. Nuestro único mundo era una vía sin asfaltar iluminada por los tenues faros del Nissan, ausencia a un lado y otro de las ventanas de nuestra fortaleza. Me esforzaba por sentir algo y lo único que abrazaba era esa sensación de tremendo escalofrío cuando uno piensa en lo peor. El sentir es posterior al digerir. Antes de llegar a nuestro primer lugar de reposo, un cauce que engullía paso a paso la vía nos obligó a pararnos ante él. Bob, el alemán y el dueño del coche, se enfundó unos pantalones de pesca y comprobó la profundidad del río. Los faros del coche dibujaban un cono entre la caótica lluvia desordenada por el viento. En la radio sonó una canción que debía ponerme los pelos de punta. La falta de digestión cubrió mi piel con una final capa de helado metal. Montamos la tienda entre un vendaval intrépido que nos asestaba dolorosos picotazos lanzándonos finas gotas de agua contra la cara. Pusimos el coche frente a la dirección más común del viento. Común. Aquí jamás se sabe por dónde va a venir el imponente céfiro, sólo hay un lugar por el que es más común que éste se deslice.

Tras una noche con la tienda en la cara, vencida por el hijo de Hípotes, Eolo, el dueño y señor de los vientos, pusimos rumbo hacia el destino del día a una hora cercana al mediodía. Calculé la dirección de marcha con la brújula pues se oteaba algo de espesa niebla en el horizonte, aunque no había que preocuparse mucho. La senda estaba bien marcada. Debía sentir algo de emoción por empezar la nueva ruta. No sentía nada. Comer demasiado rápido puede conllevar una digestión complicada. Atravesamos parajes creíbles aunque inimaginables: el verde, el rojo, el azul, el naranja, el negro, el gris, el amarillo, el celeste y mil colores más se reunían ante un escenario que clamaba al cielo en desesperados aullidos cromáticos. Las sulfatas se sucedían y el paisaje cambiaba cada cinco minutos. Me esforcé por sentir algo de nuevo. Miraba a mis flancos y me detenía para tratar de captar algo. Nada. Mi estómago necesitaba reposo. Asimilar, otra forma distinta de entender la digestión. Cuando llegamos a la cima de un collado se presentó ante nosotros un yermo negruzco repleto de obsidiana repartida por aquí y por allá. Mirando al horizonte encontré con mis ojos un hito entre la niebla. Me acerqué a él. Recuerdo perfectamente su nombre. Ido Keinan. Un memorial hacia ese chico de 25 años que en Junio de 2007 murió congelado entre una tormenta muy cerca del refugio. No podría ver ni sus propios pies entre la niebla. Esta vez la digestión se reanudó por unos momentos y mi cuerpo se estremeció ante aquél montón de piedras que recordaban unos huesos, una carne, una sonrisa. Una vida. Lo vivo recordado con lo inerte. Cruel destino para el hombre. Ido Keinan, ese nombre me hará recordar por el resto de mis días que ninguna senda es completamente segura. La falta de respeto hacia lo que te supera es una vía directa hacia el óbito, así cómo el miedo es un buen carburante en esa autopista hacia el memorial, hacia el recuerdo a través del helado canto.

Luego de atravesar un paquete de hielo llegamos a la cabaña, flanqueada por el Este con una enorme y enfurecida sulfata. Montamos las tiendas entre unos círculos de piedra que protegían el débil tejido de las embravecidas ráfagas de viento. En aquella cabaña encontré una respuesta inesperada. Me encontré con un alemán que me habló de su viaje hacia el Yukón. Charlamos sobre Jack London y sobre nuestro sueño común de la infancia, aquélla ilusión por descubrir los parajes que London nos dibujaba en nuestras hambrientas mentes. En medio de Islandia, entre una rojiza sulfata rodeada de anaranjadas montañas y glaciares cubiertos de ceniza volcánica, estaba planeando viajar hacia el otro lado del océano. Algo no iba bien. "Más despacio" escuché entre las puertas de la cabaña. La rapidez suele detener las digestiones, al menos en mi sufrido estómago. El resto de la tarde lo pasé encerrado entre mi garganta, tratando de reanudar aquella interrupción digestiva que me impedía mirar al horizonte con honestidad.

A la mañana siguiente el tiempo fue más duro de lo esperado. Decidimos reconstruir nuestros pasos, desandar lo caminado. No tuve tiempo para deglutir bien lo comido y de mi boca sólo salían estúpidos sonidos que nada tenían que ver con la justicia debida a mí mismo. Podría escribir acerca del paisaje que recorrimos. Podría. Y me dolería. No sentí nada. No puedo escribir honestamente si no siento algo en mi piel. Mi estómago estaba completamente saturado. El exceso de acción satura la pasión, principal motor de mis palabras. Pasé el viaje de vuelta encerrado en mi esófago, tratando de encontrar aquella puerta por la que entrar y pisotear toda aquella comida que ansiaba ser deglutida.

El ansia de exploración saturó mi emoción. No tuve tiempo de asimilar todo lo que iba comiendo, todo lo que iba viviendo. Sin digestión no hay comprensión. Una vez más el lenguaje, las palabras, se revelan como ése estómago que tritura lo vivido y lo hace comprensible o, en su defecto, sensible. La rápida acumulación de lo vivido sólo conduce a una experiencia turista, lejana a la sensación reflexiva que deseo encontrar en el ártico. Respirar, pausar, masticar, engullir y digerir. El exceso de comida deslizándose por el esófago satura al estómago, sumergiendo al cerebro en un baño de angustia que impide la nueva ingestión de vivencias. En mí, al menos, sé que la rapidez sólo conduce al desencanto y a la helada apatía que aleja el alado deseo de seguir viviendo.

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

There and here

She was standing near the harbour, the old harbour where her father told those histories about sea monsters and large travels trough the seas. Her legs were hanging on the edge of the pier. The edge, always in the edge. The sun was meeting the end of the sea and a silent red explosion was hurting the edge of the sky for a while. This sky, this sea and this orange breeze. No more and no less. The fight painted in her body a sort of oranges and reds, fighting too to colour her milky skin and her golden hair. Her hair, her skin. The histories of her father started to bleed on the sea, painting all the surface with a nostalgic red mass. Her home started to burn and her heart was trying to find the way to find the burned ashes. Her hands was standing on the rocky pier, feelling the cold and irregular surface. The same rock where her father talked about humanity, morality and the whole meening of human being with all those old fishermans. Those old mens that were fighting for his lives, against the sea and against himselfs. This sea, those old mens. She was trying to rebuilt her old house with the hot and black ashes, but the wind of the sunset throwed the black dust to the bloody sea. This blood, this ashes and this live. She never understood, like the old fishermans, the brave sea, the wet pier and the orange sun. Never. Always in the edge. Her father was always walking in flat terrain, talking about what happens there while he was living here, talking about something that never touched but was living in the tongue of all of this cults mens. Only in the tongue. She never touche those humanity that was standing in the tongue of her father. She only remember the strong and lovely tact of her fathers hand in her head. She was standing always in the edge. Between all and nothing, like all the humans. Like all the things in her concrete world. The sun finally defeated against the sea and her father started to walk on the bloody sea, searching always there. Trying to live like a God jailed in the bloody body of a concrete human. She was still sitting in the edge of the pier, the black and cold pier, looking at her fathers sinking in the sea. The weight of a God is too heavy for the human body. In the edge, between concrete and abstract, between the sea and the sun, between the death and the live, between the ship and the harbour, is were the human is a human, were a feelling is a feelling, and no more. The white skin beated the sun. In the edge, waiting for the next day, another battle. The same battle. Another day. The milk against the sun.

Early Day Miners, "In these hills" -->