In Iceland something is happening with my fatal and futile vision on philosophy. For me, always was important both theory and practice, thinking and act, philosophy and life, but lately philosophy was transforming into a stone in the wheel of life. Thinking so much can stack your foot in the dust. Sometimes I couldn't see a connection between the philosophy, that is (per definition in our days) academic, and all these things that keep me alive. Was a long way trough the literature, the climbing, the adventure, the death, the life, the alcohol, the travel, the urban nights, the landscape and a lot of different ways that, although I don't seems like this to me, were so closed to a kind of philosophy. This kind of philosophy that hates the classrooms, the "Sirs", the academic meetings in luxury halls, the haughtiness that is believed unique for keep a border knowledge and the pretension of being an Olympus between loosers.
Walter Bonnatti and Henry David Thoreau. They remember me something: life and philosophy are a greateful contradiction, but they need to be embraced like a unity. An entire existence is a philosophed life and a lived philosophy. Existence. This word fill your mouth when you host in your body action and thinking, life and philosophy.
How is the best motel to the pleasant coppulation between life and philosophy? Motel Ethics, for sure, in the road that goes to the Politics. But the way is another history, today we stop to fuck in this tearing motel of the convictions. Fuck.
In this motel we need to think to act and act to think. Philosophize to live and live in philosophy. This not make sense in a life distant from the honesty. If I want to philosopize, to think about the consecuences of my actions, and prove this actions, it means that I want to live in honestly with myself. The wild and the mountain were so important in this conception of the true with myself. In the mountain and in the wilderness the lie to yourself means death. Bonnatti, Thoreau and London knew very well this fact. The life in contact with the extremes of the wilderness and the mountain gives to you the experiences and the material to construct yourself being and it never can lie yourself, because in the lie appears the face of thanatos, waiting to charge the price.
My return to the philosophy is a return from the wilderness and the mountains, and is a back to the essential of the thinking: the ethics. The study of oughts and of relationships: ought to realte honestly to ourselves, ought to relate honestly to the others and how we ought to relate honestly to the earth. For this purpose I want to read the basic writings about the subject. I started with Euthyphro of Plato and, in this first reading, I could see how living so much without thinking can sink your foot in the dirty dust of imbecility. The dust is always there, ready to cling to our feet. The holy dust that kills me and give me the life. These mountains, this wilderness. Sometimes we find more than we expected in the emptyness. Hug the contradiction: the emptyness is fullness.
This will destroy you", all the album "Young Mountain", but in speciall this song; "The world is our" -->